7:30pm // Saturday, March 29, 2025
Shipley Recital Hall in the Frank Arts Center,
Shepherdstown University West Campus,
Shepherdstown, WV
3pm // Sunday, March 30, 2025
Zion Episcopal Church, Charles Town, WV
Single Tickets: $40
Samuel Coleridge-Taylor (1875-1912) — Nonet in F minor, Op. 2
Joesf Bohuslav Foerster (1859-1951) — Nonet, Op. 147
Bohuslav Martinů (1890-1959) — Nonet, No. 2, H 374
A nonet is a composition that requires nine musicians, usually a wind quintet plus a violin, viola, cello, and double bass. But our concert will feature ten musicians—why? Because one of our nonets calls for piano instead of flute. Our first work is by Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, a British composer of mixed-race descent (his father was from Sierra Leone) who was named after the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Like his namesake’s poetry, his music is filled with sweep and Romantic charm; his nonet is a major work that is both immediate and resonant. Works by two composers from Bohemia (now the Czech Republic) fill the second half of the concert. Despite their common heritage, these two men lived very different lives and their music reflects those differences. Foerster spent some time in Hamburg and Vienna but mostly stayed close to home. His nonet does too—it is pastoral and Bohemian in every best sense of those words. Martinů became a quintessential 20th-century composer living in Paris between the wars: urbane, witty, clever, and fun-loving—and his nonet displays the same characteristics.
The orchestra’s music director, Jed Gaylin, will give a talk about the Saturday evening concert before that performance, sharing his insights into the works being performed. The talk will begin at 6:30 p.m. and last about a half hour. Anyone can attend.
Please choose your preferred performance below to PURCHASE single tickets for $40, or RESERVE your tickets if you are a Friends of Music member.
MEMBERS: Reserving your tickets ensures a seat at the performance of your choice and facilitates sign-in.
7:30 pm • Saturday, May 31, 2025
3:00 pm • Sunday, June 1, 2025
Shepherdstown Presbyterian Church, Shepherdstown, WV
Single Tickets: $40
Carlos Simon (b. 1986) — Elegy: A Cry from the Grave
Eric Nathan (b. 1983) — Double Concerto for solo violin and solo clarinet
Aaron Copland (1900-1990) — Clarinet Concerto
Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901) — Prelude to Act lll, Forza del destino
Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) — Violin Concerto in D minor, Op. posth
We are thrilled to present an exciting husband-wife team of guest musicians—world renowned violinist Stefan Jackiw and phenomenally talented clarinetist Yoonah Kim—in a shimmering program of great beauty that will feature both musicians virtually non-stop. Together, they will perform an intensely expressive work they commissioned from Eric Nathan. Each will also be showcased individually: Ms. Kim in the iconic Copland Clarinet Concerto, originally written for Benny Goodman, and Mr. Jackiw in a lesser-known jewel by Felix Mendelssohn that was discovered by Yehudi Menuhin in 1951, 129 years after it was composed.
Please choose your preferred performance below to PURCHASE single tickets for $40, or RESERVE your tickets if you are a Friends of Music member.
MEMBERS: Reserving your tickets ensures a seat at the performance of your choice and facilitates sign-in.
Past Concerts: 2024 – 2025 Season
3:00pm // Sunday, January 26, 2025
(One Performance Only)
Trinity Episcopal Church, Shepherdstown, WV
Single Tickets: $35
Join us as our Two Rivers String Quartet brings movie magic to life. Enjoy iconic film scores, soundtracks, and unusual pieces that capture the essence of cinematic moments—a perfect blend of Hollywood and harmony. The Quartet is composed of four of the finest members of our Two Rivers Chamber Orchestra: Heather Austin-Stone, violin; Petr Skopek, violin; Jason Diggs, viola; and Camilo Pérez-Mejía, cello.
- Franz Schubert (1797–1828) — String Quartet No. 8 In B Flat Major, (FILM REFERENCE: LITTLE WOMEN, 2019)
- Samuel Barber (1910–1981) — String Quartet, Op. 11, Second Movement, (FILM REFERENCE: PLATOON, 1986)
- Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827) — String Quartet No. 15 in A minor, Third Movement, (FILM REFERENCE: THE SOLOIST, 2009)
- Antonín Dvořák (1841–1904) — String Quartet No. 12 in F major, Second Movement (FILM REFERENCE: KOLJA, 1996)
- Max Richter (b. 1966) — On the Nature of Daylight, (FILM REFERENCE: ARRIVAL, 2016)
- Howard Shore (b. 1946) — The Breaking of the Fellowship (FROM THE FINAL SCENE OF THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING, 2001)
7:30pm // Saturday, November 2, 2024
3pm // Sunday, November 3, 2024
Shepherdstown Presbyterian Church, Shepherdstown, WV
Single Tickets: $40
Henry Cowell (1897–1965) — Hymn and Fuguing Tune No. 10
Joesph Haydn (1732–1809) — Cello Concerto No. 1 in C major
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756–1791) — Symphony No. 40 in G minor, K. 550
This concert is a tale of two halves: one gracious and radiant; the other fiery, stormy, and mostly unrelenting. But who would have thought a 20th-century American composer (Cowell) and Haydn would provide the more easy-going half, and that Mozart would provide the storminess and stress? Cowell’s piece delights with warm and gentle melodies of Americana, developed in a welcoming gesture with deftness that belies its rigor. Haydn’s concerto displays a similar radiance and is a technical showcase for our brilliant guest cello soloist, Amit Peled. All this good cheer sets up a dramatic conclusion in Mozart’s most famous and surprisingly confessional symphony.
7:30pm // Saturday, September 14, 2024
Trinity Episcopal Church, Shepherdstown, WV
(One Performance Only)
Single Tickets: $35
We are very pleased to open our 2024-2025 season with a concert by Gut, Wind, and Wire, a trio formed by longtime Baltimore Consort members Mark Cudek (who plays the bass viol, cittern, and percussion), Ronn McFarlane (lute), and Mindy Rosenfeld (flutes, fifes, and bagpipes). They have named their ensemble for the natural elements that bring their instruments to life: gut strings, wire strings, and wind (breath). Since its beginning, Gut, Wind, and Wire has explored a wide variety of music from the 16th and 17th centuries, music from folk traditions, and even original music. They have been making music together for over four decades!
The concert they will perform for us will focus on a rich range of delightful early and Celtic pieces from the 16th to 18th centuries. These works are notable not only for their own rousing, lyrical beauty but also because many of them inspired composers of later years. All of this will be explained in the commentary the trio’s members will provide during their concert.