If you plan to attend our March 24 Two Rivers Chamber Orchestra concert you won’t want to miss the pre-concert luncheon!
- The luncheon will be held at Shepherdstown’s Bavarian Inn on Friday, March 23 at 12 noon. The orchestra’s Music Director, Jed Gaylin, will speak, offering his insights into the works that will be performed at the concert.
- The entrée choices for the luncheon will be: Vegetarian Lasagna, Club Sandwich or London Broil. Each lunch will include soup, dessert, assorted breads and butter, and coffee and tea.
- Tickets for the luncheon are sold separately from concert tickets at a cost of $20 per person. All tickets must be prepaid before March 20 so the Bavarian Inn can have an accurate meal count.
- To buy tickets on-line: CLICK HERE or send a check made out to “Friends of Music” to Friends of Music, PO Box 220, Shepherdstown, WV 25443. Be sure to indicate your menu choice. For more information, contact Jennifer Perrotte at